How do you journal if you can't write?

This is a great way to keep a journal if you hate writing. I always assure clients that it's okay to do it “meta” and write about how they hate writing in their journal and I curse myself for encouraging them to keep the diary from the start. You can also create a Pinterest board with lots of notes in your journal so you can flip through them when you're ready to write. You can also try assigning yourself daily instructions for keeping a journal or free-form writing exercises so that your ideas flow.

Some people keep a journal for posterity, others write in a journal just to throw those thoughts away in the hope that better ones will emerge. So what do you think of our advice for people who can't keep a diary? We would love to hear what you think. Keeping a journal regularly is a challenge, and you may have tried before and haven't been able to figure out how to do it regularly. Maybe keeping a digital journal works best for you; 750 Words is a fun tool for self-examination, and there are several great apps for keep a diary while traveling.

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