Sometimes, writing down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences can be beneficial, but it can also make things worse. It is likely to be hurtful if you try to understand yourself in isolation and it helps if it leads to greater understanding and behavior change in your interactions with others. To make sure that writing for recovery is a positive experience, Adams developed a scale of techniques to help structure, set the pace, and contain their writing. This allowed their diaries to become symbols of new lives made by their hands.
Letting out feelings and words can feel bad because you've been suppressing them and now they're all on the surface. When people go to therapy, they tend to feel worse at first before they see improvement because they need to review all the feelings they tried to avoid. When you're going through a rough patch, keeping a diary can cause your mind to fall into a chain reaction of negativity. In fact, most people find tremendous support when writing negative thoughts in a journal, as it allows them to erase these things from their minds.
Worse, melancura is believed to be a man who fails and distracts women (some research supports this). Brain scans of people who wrote about their feelings showed that they were able to control their emotions better than those who wrote about a neutral experience. This study also found that writing about feelings in an abstract way was more calming than writing vividly. When people go to therapy, they often feel worse at first because they have to face all the feelings they have tried to suppress.
It is possible to write about negative events or emotions and feel calm and even encouraged afterwards. Keeping a journal can make you feel worse when you think about the page, when writing is just a method of relief in which you constantly reinforce the story at the center of your reactions and emotions. Many people who start writing a journal end up feeling worse about themselves than they did before they started because they don't understand how to use journals as tools for healing or resilience. I confess that I have tried to write down my painful feelings and have innocently conveyed that advice to others, without any instructions on compassion, since I received none.
However, if done incorrectly or without thinking about what you are writing, keeping a journal can make you feel worse. Spilling out painful feelings could turn into an experience of binge eating and purging, which leaves you in a bad shape and becomes a habit. Some studies show that writing about a traumatic event right after it happens can make you feel worse.